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Metabolic Motivation: The 7 Step System to Master Your Metabolism, Body Fat & Energy

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   Dan O´Beirne, B. Sci. HFI,   -   Metabolism & Motivation Expert

Congratulations for considering what your life would look like IF you could find a way to lose excess fat, look better, perform better and feel great!

That said it easy to see that many people have tried and failed to sustain weight loss until finally they just threw in the towel and accepted a false belief that nothing that they had tried works for them.

Congratulations to you for thinking their might be a better way....

Everyone knows now 2 out of 3 Americans are now over-weight or obese.

But how is it possible you might ask, since we spend billions on weight loss pills, gadgets, ab gizmos, gyms and diets?

What if the conventional wisdom on fat loss was incomplete at best and even counterproductive?

What if the "calorie balance theory of weight loss" had created the perfect storm to hammer our metabolisms, our waistlines, our vitality and sometimes even our self esteem? More on all that later....

So who am I and why should you listen to me?.....good question :-)

Unlike many of the famous health, weight loss and fitness gurus, I know how bad feels when you are doing what the experts say you should do, like lots of cardio and avoiding fat like the plague yet it just does not seem to work for you. 

The # 1 thing I want to share is that YOU are not broken, it´s just that the 20+ billion dollar diet & weight loss industry, despite a documented 94% failure rate, is deceiving us. Meanwhile they are laughing all the way to the bank! 

Before we go on, let me share my back story, OK?....

So just a few years ago in 2007 I was down and found myself, Flabby, Frustrated, Unfocused & lacking Vitality in the bedroom & office.  But I am stubborn and was not ready to give up....

 So after rejecting a fist-full of Big Pharma drugs from various medical doctors,  I consulted 100+ books, 250 scientific studies and 27 health, nutrition, sleep & wellness experts to craft a unique science-based holistic plan to jump start my metabolism.

 Yes it was major struggle and lots of trial & error, but it all paid off... and with the help of many, I transformed from that shadow of myself I now call "Wimpy Dan" to become a better version of myself: Revitalised, Slim, Savvy & Stronger.... 

I am now Focused like a Laser on sharing the Science-based way for YOU to Master your Metabolism + Feel GREAT.  We are developing and fine-tuning a simple system so your can master your metabolism with the 7 BIGGEST factors that will give real people real results they deserve.

Here's what you get with Metabolic Motivation: The 7 Step System to Master Your Metabolism, Body Fat & Energy:

The Metabolic Motivation Master Plan: This concise 20 page ebook offers up ways you can not only master your metabolism and motivation - but thrive - in our busy modern world. It features printable worksheets that you can use to map out the optimal lifestyle habits and next day's optimal actions and allow you to "habit stack" as you build an routine - all key aspects when working towards thriving as a night owl. This is delivered in a PDF with Kindle and ePUB versions available in a future update.

The Metabolic Motivation Audio Program: This 40 minute audio program walks through aspects of the accompanying guide and also adds bonus elements to the mix, including a walkthrough of sample routines and more.

The Metabolic Motivation Quickstart Guide: This PDF features 7 steps to help you stay on track and consult on the fly via your smart phone or tablet.

Additional bonus materials through updates: The Metabolic Motivation Master Plan and Videos will be updated and as those new updates and materials are added you'll get them at no additional cost!

It's time to master your metabolism and by learning simple health science based habits so you stop fighting it. The The Metabolic Motivation System will help you make the most out of your days and nights with more energy, muscle, focus and fun, so order your copy today!

In the meantime,  I would love to hear about your # 1 biggest obstacle to getting fitter and also your # 1 biggest confusion. Please message me today with those. I will be doing a drawing & the winner gets  a FREE 15 min call personally with me after Christmas.


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Available on December 17, 2015 at 11:00 AM
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Metabolic Motivation: The 7 Step System to Master Your Metabolism, Body Fat & Energy

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